Soft Gels are dosage delivery systems made up of a liquid or a semi-solid matrix inside a onepiece outer soft gelatin or plant based shell. Advantages of soft gels are, improve bioavailability, effectiveness and enhance dosage stability. Product line extention with soft gel gives opportunities for product differentiation via color, shape and size. They can be enteric coated or delayed release. We offer signature grade nutraceutical soft gel for condition specific requirements.
Essential nutrients, help regulate the immune system, improves eye sight, healthy bone and enhance calcium absorption.
Strong antioxidant and essential nutrient for cells and heart muscle
Powerful antioxidant support eyes, skin, heart and immune system
Essential component of cells and mitochondrial energy source. Supports cardio and immune function
Essential fatty acids are the perfect addition for an overall healthy lipid program for the body.
Specialty soft gels, support healthy body composition, dieting goals, improve cardio function.
Reduces the risk of coronary heart issues.
Super strength soft gel improves urinary track and immune health
Supports healthy coat & skin, enhances joint mobility and bone density
Vitamin A & D, Beta Carotene & Calcium
Vitamin E Natural Synthetic and Complex
Astaxanthin, lutein & Lycopene
Heart Health
Co Q 10
Nutritional Oils
Coconut Oils, EPO, Flaxseed, Lecithin...
Othe Speicials
CLA, Nattokinase
Sunflower Oil, Garlic Chromium, & PS...
Fish Oils & Omega's
Krill Oil, Salmon Oil, Marine Lipid, Omega 3,6,9 & Omega 7
Herbal Soft Gels
Cranberry, Pumpkin
Seeds & more ...
Soft Gel for Pets
Omega's & more..